Free Accommodations
One year FREE accommodation in our residence (one bedroom suite, access to kitchenette, lounge, Wi-Fi-, Digital Cable, free parking) with 1 year return of service plus orientation time. After the one year is complete staff are able to continue renting a room in the residence for a minimal amount.
Prevost Foundation Recruitment and Retention Fund
Prevost Foundation Inc. Personal Care Home Grant ($2,000.00) awarded to a licensed nurse (including new Manitoba Nurse Graduates) who obtain a 0.6EFT or greater at the Dr. Gendreau PCH. This grant is conditional on a one year return of service.
Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund (NRRF)
The Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund (NRRF) was established in 1999 to assist with the recruitment and retention of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses in Manitoba. They are committed to enhancing the delivery of health services in the Province of Manitoba by addressing issues of nursing supply.
NRRF’s Conditional Grant for Manitoba’s Nursing Graduates ($4,000) available to Manitoba Nursing graduates. This program was established to encourage new graduates to relocate to rural communities in Manitoba, subsequently reducing the number of rural nursing vacancies.
NRRF’s Personal Care Home Grant ($2,000) is in response to the proposed enhancements to the hours of direct care for residents in personal care homes. NRRF has established a grant to assist in addressing the workforce requirements to recruit nurses to work in personal care homes for a return of service commitment.
The Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund offers many opportunities for nurses to relocate to Manitoba. If eligible, you could receive up to $5,000 reimbursement toward your moving expenses.
Eligible nurses must agree to a 12 month return of service commitment in a permanent or term position (0.6 EFT or higher) for above grants. For more information visit for more information
New Graduate Nurse Mentorship Program
Ste. Rose Health Centre believes that mentorship is an important part of helping new professionals to develop their skills in order to transition successfully into the workplace. The New Grad Nurse Mentorship Program partners the new graduate with an experienced nurse whom they can feel comfortable asking questions to and gaining valuable on-the-job knowledge from.